Royal Mail

Thank you for contacting me about Royal Mail.

Under the Postal Services Act 2011 Royal Mail is a private organisation and it is the responsibility of the independent postal services regulator Ofcom to ensure that the company carries out its functions properly. 

Ofcom does not, however, handle individual complaints, and advises that complaints about Royal Mail should be addressed in the first instance to the company directly. In the event the complaint concerns Royal Mail’s regulated postal services and the company cannot provide a resolution, it can issue a ‘deadlock' notice that will allow the customer to ask the Independent Postal Redress scheme to investigate the case.

The Universal Postal Service is a vital part of our economy and society. Individuals and communities across the UK rely on this service and the Government’s commitment to it has always been crystal clear.

Competition is important and can drive efficiency, but it should not be allowed to undermine the future viability of the universal service.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.