DWP Office Closures Thank you for contacting me about Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) office closures. I share your concern that some areas will be affected by changes to...
Cost of Living Thank you for contacting me about the cost of living. I understand anxiety over rising prices and inflation. I want to assure you that the Government will...
White-tailed Eagles Thank you for contacting me about white-tailed eagles. I would like to assure you that my ministerial colleagues and I believe that white-tailed eagles belong...
Racing Greyhounds Thank you for contacting me about the welfare of racing greyhounds. I am reassured that anyone failing to provide for the welfare of a racing greyhound in their...
Wealth Taxes Thank you for contacting me about wealth taxes. The UK does not have a comprehensive, single wealth tax, but it does have several taxes on assets and wealth...
Marriage Thank you to those constituents who have contacted me about marriages. I share concerns about current marriage laws and agree that meaningful change needs to...
Human Rights Act Thank you for contacting me about the Human Rights Act. The UK has a long and proud history of freedom. However, over the years there has been a gradual shift...
Persecution of Women Thank you for contacting me about the persecution of women due to their faith and gender. My ministerial colleagues and I are committed to defending the freedom...
Coronavirus Testing Thank you to those constituents who have contacted me about coronavirus testing and care homes. Testing and tracing have been important throughout the pandemic...
Fracking Thank you for contacting me about fracking. Ministers have always been clear that fracking should only proceed if the science shows that it is safe, sustainable...
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Thank you for contacting me about reforming taxi and private hire vehicle licensing. It is of paramount importance that disabled people are able to travel...
VAT on Energy from Public Electric Vehicle Chargers Thank you to those constituents who have contacted me about VAT on energy from public electric vehicle chargers. The use of electric vehicle charging points is...