Pet Theft Thank you for contacting me about pet theft, in particular relating to cats. I would like to assure you that I fully recognise that the theft of a much-loved...
Southern Water What the Conservatives are doing to improve the quality of our rivers, beaches and seas. In brief . Nationally: The 2021 Environment Act mandated the biggest...
Work Capability Assessment Thank you for contacting me about the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). I want to ensure our welfare system encourages and supports people into work, while...
Western Sahara Thank you for contacting me about Western Sahara. The UK regards the status of Western Sahara as undetermined. As a member of the UN Security Council (UNSC)...
Labelling Reforms for Animal Welfare Thank you for contacting me about labelling reforms for animal welfare. My ministerial colleagues and I want to make it easier for the consumer to purchase food...
National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulations relating to the National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP). The Government remains committed to...
Homelessness Thank you for contacting me about ending homelessness. I share your belief that one person without a roof over their head is one too many. I read Shelter’s...
Protections for Nature Thank you for contacting me about protections for nature. I appreciate you taking the time to contact me and very much share your wish to see nature and the...
Farmed Fish Thank you for contacting me about the welfare of farmed fish. The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes it an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any protected...
Energy Bill Thank you for contacting me about the Energy Bill. As you are aware, in reaction to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, global energy prices soared to...
Dog Fighting Thank you for contacting me about dog fighting. I would like to assure you that my ministerial colleagues and I are completely opposed to dog fighting and tough...
Assisted Dying Thank you for contacting me about assisted suicide. Coping with a terminal illness is distressing and difficult both for the patient and their families and I...