Following a recent meeting with Southern Water boss Ian McAulay, Bob Seely has written a follow-up letter to the water company asking them to set out a detailed timeline of their immediate investment plans on the Island.
He said: “I would be grateful if you could please provide a detailed timeline of your planned investment on the Island and in other areas that are currently draining into the Solent.
“In addition, I would be grateful if this could also be supplemented by an explanation as to your plans for further investment in the same areas in the medium- to long-term future, or when we might expect more details on this”.
Mr Seely said he wanted the Island to become an area of best practice for water quality and encouraged the water company to discuss further with him how this could be achieved.
Mr Seely said: “I am encouraged by what Southern Water say, but what I want to see is detailed plans followed up by actions and I want the Island to exhibit best practice when it comes to wastewater management.
“I am hopeful that Southern Water will continue to engage with me, and the IW Council, to update us on their plans. We will certainly be following what they do from here with interest to make sure they are held to account for their actions.”