Island MP Bob Seely underwent a round of questioning by children from Carisbrooke Primary’s Pupil Parliament when he visited the school today (14 February).
The pupil parliament group – which consisted of approximately 20 children – invited Bob to answer questions they had prepared on a range of subjects.
The children fired questions at Bob about coronavirus, help for poor people, a bridge for the Isle of Wight, smoking, Brexit, the hospital, environmental issues and the likelihood of World War III occurring.
Bob said: “I would like to thank the children for inviting me to their school and for preparing such an excellent range of questions.
“I’m finding that young people on the Island are mostly asking me about environmental issues such as recycling, plastic pollution and climate change. This is great. We need our young people to engage in environmental issues.
“It is the younger generation who will be mostly affected by the impact of the decisions we make now so I’m so pleased that they care and can influence decision makers now to protect their futures.”
Executive Headteacher of Carisbrooke Primary School, Katherine Marshall said: “The pupil parliament were delighted to meet their MP Bob Seely today, asking him questions about how the government is addressing climate change - which was the focus for our whole school Global citizenship week.”
Bob said he welcomes invitations to other schools and is happy for children to write to him raising their concerns.