MP Bob Seely has objected to two proposed housing developments – one in Wellow and the other in Ryde - saying they do not meet the housing needs of Islanders.
On both sites, the houses planned are ‘market houses’ which Mr Seely says will most likely attract mainland retirees rather than housing young Islanders.
Speaking about the 16-home development proposed at Lee Farm in Wellow, Mr Seely said: “This application delivers zero affordable housing, takes away more of our natural landscape and most importantly does not address the housing needs of Islanders.
“Sixteen houses is a large development in this location and it appears to come at no benefit to the people living in the West Wight and especially not the young people and young families who need affordable homes.
“We need new housing to be built on brownfield land, ideally in town centres where there is a real need for large-scale regeneration, not agricultural land badged as brownfield land because it has a farm building on it.”
Commenting on the proposal to build six houses on land between Westridge Garage and St Johns Graveyard in Ryde, Mr Seely said: “What concerns me the most about this development is its location as it would see more vehicles exiting on to an already very busy road. I believe if these plans go ahead pedestrians, cyclists and other road users would be put at increased risk of injury as traffic enters and exits the new road.
“While we need new housing, particularly for our young people living in the Ryde area, the houses proposed are not for Islanders and they are in the wrong place. The houses planned are three-bedroom market houses with not a single one of them classed as affordable. We need genuinely affordable housing for Islanders in the right places.
“There are brownfield sites in need of regeneration that could be developed to provide affordable homes for Islanders young and old without the need to build on greenfield land such as this.”