Education is a success story in England. Reading achievement in Year 5 is now amongst the best in the world and the percentage of good or outstanding schools in England has gone up from under 70 percent to near 90 percent.
The Conservative introduced Free Schools - including one in Ventnor on the Island - and rolled out the academy programme. The UK Government has also invested in more and better apprenticeships. This year Island Schools will received over £90 million pounds to help headteachers cope with inflation the rising costs.
Our plans for 2024 will see the IW College being largely rebuilt with a £25 million grant from the Government. I’m also working with employers to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships, to help support the Island’s skilled industry.
However, failing so-called Alliance Councillors, supported by Labour and the Lib Dems, are damaging Island primary schools. They have delayed planning for primary school place planning and refused to listen to the advice of headteachers and school governors.
I am working with the Department for Education to hold the Alliance Councillors to account.